During a marriage, couples can accumulate hundreds or even thousands of photographs and videos. ...
Preparing for divorce is a vitally important part of the beginning of the process. Many people...
Family law disputes, whether it is divorce, child custody, or another issue, are difficult and...
Following a custody dispute, divorce, or separation, not just the parents, but also the children...
Family law cases often involve a lot of hurt feelings and anger. Unfortunately, some parties see...
The very nature of a divorce or separation is that the parties are ending their life together and...
After a divorce decree, child custody, or child support order is entered, it often happens that one...
Every person involved in a divorce looks forward to the day that the case is finally over. Divorce...
The vast majority of divorce cases are settled out of court. When parties are able to come to an...
Co-parenting following a divorce or separation can be difficult. Keeping the lines of communication...
Taking care of children always involves difficult decisions. When there is a custody dispute...
Joint legal custody is the most common type of legal custody awarded in New Jersey. Joint legal...