All parents know that siblings will squabble. Normal sibling conflict is simply a normal part of...
At the end of every divorce, marital property must be divided. New Jersey is what is referred to as...
After a divorce, it is quite common for women to want to return to using their maiden name. It...
There are many life milestones that are financially stressful. Divorce and the death of your spouse...
The end of a marriage always spells big changes for both spouses. Both parties can expect changes...
What Does Child Support Cover in NJ? Every parent knows that children are expensive to raise....
Step-parents have unique roles in the life of the children of their spouses. These step-parents...
It is not uncommon for there to be a disparity in incomes between a husband and wife. Sometimes one...
Custody issues often are some of the most contentious issues in any divorce. Stand-alone custody...
After a divorce or separation, parents will need to start over and rebuild their lives as a single...
When attending mediation or coming to a settlement agreement in a custody situation, it is...
Parenting harmoniously after divorce or separation is challenging, especially when the other parent...