Today’s families have a more and more diverse set of individualized issues and schedules. ...
Child custody orders are crafted based on what is in the best interest of the child or children. ...
Custody orders can be quite complicated and involve lots of different types of conditions to...
Most people have heard of the concept of “jurisdiction.” Jurisdiction means that the...
Few issues in a divorce are as contentious as that of custody of the marital children. Parents...
In today’s court system, most family law cases end with a settlement agreement. This...
Filing for divorce is a very tough decision. Few events in a person’s life will become such a...
Parenting is a challenge. This is particularly true for teenagers. Parents often struggle with...
At the conclusion of a divorce, a judge will make an equitable division of the spouse’s...
Separation and divorce mean that parents will have to learn to communicate and coordinate parenting...
Can Child Support Be Lowered if I Have Another Child? After a or separation, it is quite common for...
Divorce can quite often be an enormous financial burden for both spouses. It can be a very...