Step-parents have unique roles in the life of the children of their spouses. These step-parents...
It is not uncommon for there to be a disparity in incomes between a husband and wife. Sometimes one...
Discovery is an essential part of most cases, and cases in family law are no exception. Discovery...
Custody issues often are some of the most contentious issues in any divorce. Stand-alone custody...
At the start of the new millennium, approximately 23% of mothers did not work outside the home....
At the conclusion of any divorce involving children or a stand-alone child custody case, the court...
Change following a divorce or separation is inevitable. This is doubly true if you have children...
Relocation to new states is becoming more and more common at every stage of people’s lives....
After a divorce or separation, parents will need to start over and rebuild their lives as a single...
When attending mediation or coming to a settlement agreement in a custody situation, it is...
Parenting harmoniously after divorce or separation is challenging, especially when the other parent...
Despite the growing popularity and success of alternative dispute resolution methods such as...